Where small is big and it’s built to suit you
Small Concern is about your home and what modest improvements or repairs would make life more enjoyable
Andrew has been a passionate hands-on restoration builder for 25 years, and now brings high regard for quality to works for you
Rarely found – professional small repairs across vastly different trades by one pair of hands and all in the same day
We provide clarity through consultation, so you’re comfortable and informed from the outset
Fix What’s loose, tight, damaged or simply doesn’t work properly?
Replace Is there ongoing deterioration at home you’ve pretended not to notice?
Create Revisit your dream projects – what’s on your wish list?
Whether you know what’s needed, or would prefer a thorough inspection as a start point
Small Concern is here to help

- Mindful that we work in your home and not on a building site
- Where possible, work is crafted in our workshop then brought to your home for fitting
- Effective dust control as appropriate in a functioning home

- Building well is an attitude
- Building well saves in the long run
- Longevity of works is paramount
- Preference for repair over replacement where possible
- Recycling of materials from your works is encouraged

- Recognition that your job is unique
- Extensive experience heritage and contemporary
- Aesthetics always inform possible solutions at Small Concern
- Selective use of available methods and materials for best solution

- Registered Building Practitioner / insured / MBAV member
- Receptive then responsive to client’s vision
- Committed to understanding, planning then achieving the change you are after
- Precise and particular regarding results